Guten Tag!

Here it goes, or as the Germans would say, “Los gehts!” Robbie and I use to think that we would NEVER have a blog. Actually, there is still a large part of us that doesn’t like the idea. Needing to write in a way that would keep a reader’s attention is somewhat intimidating; and, who’s to say that our lives will be too terribly interesting anyway? But alas, we find ourselves embarking on a new adventure and hopefully we can give those interested the ability to keep up with what is going on (especially with the time difference between Germany and the US). Besides, considering that we are in a new place and that only one of us knows German…I’m sure that we will have plenty of interesting stories (and pictures) to share.
The quote from which we have taken the title of our blog is found in a letter Samuel Rutherford wrote to a woman who had lost her husband. Rutherford’s encouragement to this woman was to pray and wrestle through her trial, clinging to the victory that was already hers in Christ for “the miles to heaven are but few and short.” Our hope and prayer is that with this blog we can share the road down which our Father leads us – and in doing so, reflect upon our own joys and sorrows as we seek to remember that one day soon we will be in the presence of our Creator.

9 comments on “Guten Tag!

  1. Josh says:

    Glad to see you guys doing this! Rob, don’t be afraid to put up things for the nerds out here who would love to see a glimpse of your work from time to time….

  2. Bryonie says:

    Hi you guys! Welcome to blogosphere…we’re glad you joined the ranks. I want to see pictures, pictures, pictures all the time. Love you both so much!

  3. Evangeline says:

    Thanks for doing this, Rob and Jordan. We are hungry for news and pictures and will love to follow your lives this way!

  4. Adam says:

    Great to see that your blog is up. Not so great to see that you didn’t use any of my blog name ideas… we miss you two.

  5. Courtney says:

    Love it! You’ve done such a good job with this, and I’m really very happy to have one more way to keep connected with you two!

  6. Amy says:

    It’s good to see your smiling faces! I look forward to following your lives even if they’re not “too terribly interesting”. Love you guys! Amy Allen

  7. Florence Rayburn says:

    What a great beginning! I can’t wait for more and I absolutely love the quote. Mom

  8. Tom and Diane Hillrich says:

    We have been thinking about you so much lately and are delighted that you let those of us at Cornerstone know how we can keep in touch with you. May you have a delightful time during the upcoming Christmas season–it will be so special in Munich!

  9. Andrew Allen says:

    Rob, I don’t want to be the only negative commenter… but that may be my God given role. I’m sure
    your just kicking back drinking German beer and what not…. how about another picture or two…. and some more words for those who love you. Miss you.

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